
amy conway

London, United Kingdom
Known for her stunning bridal looks and quick makeup hacks
(check out her Instagram stories), Amy brings a fresh, modern
perspective to natural-looking makeup.
behind the beauty
What made you want to work for Bobbi Brown?
The philosophy really resonated with me—a brand that wanted to make women look and feel like themselves, only more confident!
Where do you find inspiration for the looks you create?
I love to bring someone’s personality to life through makeup. Whether they’re fierce, sassy or fun loving, there's a look to enhance it all!
Do you have any hidden talents?
I'm so used to being on the go that I can now pack for a two-week holiday in less than 10 minutes. And so far I haven't forgotten a thing! Ha!
What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever visited?
Definitely Bali! My husband and I love to just hire a scooter and go on an adventure.
What’s the best makeup advice you’ve ever received?
If it makes you feel good, wear it!
looks by amy
in her kit
Follow Amy
Explore her latest tutorials, tips and tricks @bbpro_amyconway